Swimming Gala

In January we held a swimming Gala at the Cliffview pool. What fun we had whilst working on our Swimming Interest Badge. Well done to the Cubs who attended the Gala as well. Alex earned his Scout name at this event – FISH for swimming like a professional. Well done to the organisers for a well planned and fun filled day!
Read MoreRichard Shearer on the move!

Richard Shearer receiving his 25 year award from Dave Osmond. He will now lead the Rovers in a new venture. Good luck! Please share...
Read MoreSpringbok Achievement

In May 2010 Michelle Brown recieved notification of the fact that she had achieved he Springbok Scout Award, well done!!! Please share...
Read MoreBrandon’s First Class Friendship Activity

We visited a Jewish Family and learnt more about the festivals, food and culture. It was a great experience for the Scouts and we especially enjoyed the Apples and Honey that was served.
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