Brandon’s First Class Community Service
- Elephants of Plumari Game Reserve
- Getting Instructions on how to clean the bomas
- Aidan raking
- What’s on the spade, Jess?
- Is this stuff for real??
- Kyle verified: Yes it is dung!
- Thato laughing at Aidan
- Oh the smell!
- Not on Jess’s shoes Pebbles!
- Elephants are taller than humans
- Making beds from fresh hay
- Karien is glad she is the adult
- Kyle don’t throw Pebbles away!
- We did wash our hands before we ate
- Wow, Robert was so tired after all that cleaning
- How far can a Scout spit a bokdrolletjie?
- Who can get it far away?
- The boys won Jess!
- Big D showing us how to set a trap
- Thanks Fred and Chris for a great week-end!
- Taking a break
- Aidan
- Plaster casts of spoor
- Fred examining the casts
- Thanks for Lunch!
- Gathering wood
- Thato
- Thato’s first camp as a Scout!